Aug. 8, 2015


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Colter's Creek Winery

308 Main St.

Juliaetta, Idaho


Juliaetta Market

1051 Main St.

Juliaetta, Idaho


Red Cross Pharmacy

509 E. Main

Kendrick, Idaho


Simple Joys

Antiques & Gifts

609 E. Main

Kendrick, Idaho


...and BOOK, too!

918 6th Street

Clarkston, Wash.


Sharon Harris

JKHF President

(208) 289-4622



P.O. Box 37

Kendrick, ID 83537




General Meeting Minutes   August 8, 2015

Iller Room, JKHF Museum, 9:00 am

Executive Board Members Present: Sharon Harris President, Richard Abrams - Vice President, Chris Kowrach, Treasurer.

Executive Board Members Absent: Jan Patterson

 Others Present:  Loeda Reil, Justin Cope, Mark Mustoe

 1.     Sharon called the meeting to order at 9:04 am 

2.      Mark moved and Chris seconded that we accept the minutes of the previous meeting.  Carried. 

3.     Chris presented a treasurers report which is attached.  Current balance in all accounts $33,886.37. 

4.     Administrative & Committee Reports:

·         Chris asked to be excused due to a prior commitment and she submitted a nine page Status and Project Overview Report which is attached.  She tendered her resignation as Treasurer and resigned from JKHF.

·         It was a slow month for sales with one Southwick book being sold.

·         Facebook Usage was reported at around 800 according to Sharon

·         Web site – no report.

·         Grant Funding:  Sharon reported $500.00 received toward the chair lift project from Moscow Rotary.  We have received word that Steele Reese will not fund our project.

5.     Old Business:

·         Logging and Log Drive Videos have not been ordered from Wasems.  Sharon will follow up on this.

·         Museum Signage will hopefully move forward now that haying is complete at the Harris Farm

·         Marsha declined to video the parades.  Members will look into performing this task.

6.     New Business:                                 

·         Two chair lifts have been acquired.  Installation will start soon to enable the elderly and handicapped to visit the museum.

·         Community Work Day with the high school students was discussed at length.  We will have the students help haul the school desks.  Members will be brainstorming for other tasks.

·         Mark reported that the Southwick Family Reunion was successful and that the Southwick Center has a new coat of paint.  He is planning on 150 for the BBQ that will be held on August 22.  The fundraiser is $12.00 per person and the Bear Grass Band will play.  He asked that Loeda bring a potato salad and that other members provide bars or cookies (no pies this year.)  Mark will have JKHF products for sale at this event.  He made need assistance from JKHF members.

·         For September Sharon will cover the museum on Saturday Sept. 12th.  The 26th is still open for coverage at this time. 

·         Blackberry Festival is Sept. 12th.  The following tasks were assigned:

·         Richard:  Set up pop up and tables, bring an assortment of products to sell.

·         Sharon:  Prepare Juliaetta pictures for display & booth supplies

·         Justin: Bring Juliaetta artifacts for a historical display

·         Everyone – help man the booth during the day.  We will give away 1 Juliaetta DVD with a tour booklet for a drawing.

 7.     Other Discussion:  Richard reported that Darrell Hazeltine has a horse sled to donate to the museum.  It is too large to be accommodated inside the museum and the membership will try to find a more suitable place to display it.  Members brainstormed for ideas for grant writing and decided that the elevator is the place to start.  Richard will check on an elevator in Lewiston that may be available. 

8.     Work Meeting:  After the meeting members moved heavy panels and re-arranged some exhibits.  Extensive picture sorting and album management tasks were performed.  The museum had six guests. 

9.     Next Meeting: No Meeting in September as it is the Blackberry Festival event. 

Minutes recorded by Sharon Harris

 History shows us Who we Were, Who we Are, and Who we may Become.